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How To Start Coding


How To Start Coding

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While anybody can learn how to start coding, many people don’t take the plunge because they’re worried they need a computer-science degree, they’re too young, they’re “not good at math” or that there are already enough programmers.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Programming is about solving problems. Yes, it can take some time to get to grips with specific languages, but there are plenty of resources for every kind of learning style. 

Here are the essentials on how to start coding on your own.


1. Come up with a simple project

You can’t learn carpentry without making a few cupboards. Likewise, when you’re learning to code, the best practice is making programs. Without that clear project, it’s easy to lose focus and motivation. So come up with an idea, and work toward that goal.

Try and keep the project simple. For example, make your life easier with a budget calculator or try building an old classic like Hangman.

We can’t stress how important this is. So before you dive into choosing a language or reading a book, come up with an idea. Got one? Great. Let’s continue.

2. Get the software you’ll need

You don’t need much to start writing code. It’s making sure your computer knows how to run it that sometimes needs a little setup. So, if you’re completely new to programming, there are a few things you need to know.

It can be as simple as a text editor

When writing code, all you need to do is save the file as the correct type. For example, if you’re using Python, you’d save your text file as a .py instead of a .txt. You can make your life easier by downloading Notepad++, which helps you spot where you’ve made a mistake in your code.

Your computer needs to know how to read the code

When you run a file, your computer needs to know what to do with all that code. So make sure you search around for what you need to install before trying to run the file.

You can get software that’ll bring everything you need together

Once you know what language you want to learn, and start making more complex programs, you’ll want to download an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

An IDE brings together a way to edit your code, see it run in real-time and create the final file you need. They’re not essential, but they make life so much easier.

Get to grips with the console

You’re probably used to using your computer with a well-designed interface. This is called a Graphical User Interface (GUI). But now that you’re going to be a programmer, it helps to know how to use the black window of power: the console. (A Command-line Interface.)

It’s not hard, but it’s probably unfamiliar to you. There’s a great tutorial by The New Boston on how to use the Windows Command Line.

How to start coding with YouTube

When it comes to how to start coding on your own, there are quite a few tutorials on YouTube. These can often be more entertaining than reading a book, but are usually a bit more top level. Here are a couple of good places to start.

Drop Organization This channel teaches ethical hacking and coding both that too right from basic.


Read a few books

There are loads of books out there on how to start coding. Reading a book can really help you get to grips with the programming theory. The main downside is that if you get stuck, it’s hard to ask a book for help. They’re great for the broad ideas and concepts, or learning while you’re away from the computer. But without constant practice, you might become disheartened.

You can find a list of free books on GitHub.

Beware books that claim to teach you in 24 hours

Coding takes time. You won’t learn a language in a day. Instead, look for books with a more realistic time-frame.

Run through a tutorial

There are quite a few apps and websites to guide you through how to program. These are really useful if you’re still wondering which language to choose. You’ll learn the difference between a variable and a function, and start putting together really simple programs.

Do be wary, they can tend to fall a little short once you start wanting to create your own program, or anything particularly unique. You won’t have anybody to talk to, and they can feel quite limited in scope.


 Note : For Free step to step guidance or consultancy whatsApp +91-9064172551







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